Saturday, March 17, 2012

Trish, it's for you....

So,  I was talking with my son on the phone tonight...           

We were talking about what God is doing in my life lately. I was telling him how I had been preparing a Bible study, and then heard four different sermons that confirmed what I was getting in my study. I mentioned how much more information the Holy Spirit was giving me, than I could even use for this study, so I was writing it down to save for another one. Then I thought, "Another one?! God, what are you doing?!"

We also talked about my feeling that God may be calling me into some form of ministry. I 've been wondering if it is just me, or if He really is wanting me to, about my situation and wondering how it would be possible. Naturally, I have prayed about it. In fact, I asked God for confirmation, if it was indeed what He wanted, and not just me. Well, just after I said this, our call got disconnected.

So I walked into the living room and did something unusual, for me; I decided to turn on the television.  I usually only turn it on for Joyce Meyer or when the children and I pick a movie to watch. I walked out of the room to get my glasses and when I returned, I sat down to watch. There was a well-known, respected, pastor speaking.

He said, "When God plants something in your heart, He has a reason for it. If you'll take the first step, in whatever He plants in your heart, God will lead you to the second step and He will provide every single thing you need."

"Whenever you take the first step in something God wants you to do, He will give you the second step. He has a blessing in mind."

Then he was talking about God calling people and how they respond, "Oh no, no, no! He would never call me. And they say, "When God first began to speak to me, I said, "Well, that couldn't be me. I have three children...I'm this, I'm that..." And God said, "Uh uhm, I'm calling you.""

My mouth dropped open, and my eyes misted at how incredible my God is!

I turned off the television to do devotions with the kids. I picked up the first book and I couldn't believe it. My son's devotion was about preparing our hearts and attitudes for speaking for God.

"OK," I said smiling, "I get it!"

I finished that one, and picked up the girls devotional to read. It was about fulfilling promises you make to accomplish something, even if it takes a while; you won't start doing, if you don't dare to dream. It ended with a prayer, "Let me never hesitate to make grand and glorious plans that serve Your kingdom."

You know, sometimes you just have to laugh.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I Don't Live There Anymore!

Many who know me will find this shocking, but I just feel so joyful! I feel positive, encouraged, free, and so full of anticipation and expectancy!
I know what you're thinking.

No, I didn't win any money.(though I wouldn't turn it down)
I didn't wake up in a particularly good mood. 
I didn't hear any good news.
I slept fitfully and I'm tired.
No, actually I feel tight and am coughing from chest congestion.
No, little elves did not come in and do all the housework.(see note for #1)

This joy doesn't come from 'something', but Someone. As the children's song we used to sing says,"I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart!" This was an 'inside job'. I am a different person now.

I was never known as a positive person. On the contrary, in the past, I spent a great deal of my time as a very negative, critical, angry, bitter, insecure, rejected person.It breaks my heart to think of the damage done to my relationships and the time lost out of my life. I thank God that He didn't give up on me! He lifted me out of that prison of misery and changed my heart.

As I've heard Joyce Meyer say, "I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be either!"

I am loved by God.
I have been chosen by God and adopted as His child.
I am forgiven for everything, everything I have ever done or didn't do.
I am free from condemnation.
I am a new creation.
I am God's workmanship; a work of great love.
I have direct access to the Father and may approach Him with freedom and confidence.
I am assured that God works for my good in all circumstances
I am confident that God will complete the good work He started in me.
I am a minister of reconciliation for God.
I am growing, I can be strong, I am faithful, I have God's power, I am not alone, I am not in want, I have hope, I have peace, I am set free, I am victorious, and I am promised a full life.
I receive teaching and guidance.
I have prayer partners.
I am being used in ministry.
I am a part of a loving, caring, hungry-for-God church.
I have seven children.
I have 6 grandchildren.
I live in a lovely, comfortable house in a beautiful area.
I have Godly friends.

....  How can I not feel joyful and praise Him? !