Saturday, January 28, 2012

I've had a makeover...

I hope when people look at me they wonder what is different. You see, I have had a makeover. I am different!

Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Spending money, Eating, Dieting, Makeovers, Facelifts, Botox, Liposuction, Enhancements, Anti-depressants, Parties, Traveling...

People try many different things to fill voids, bandage wounds and heal hurts, change themselves and their lives in some way. But most of it is usually superficial and unlasting.

I have thought of many of these at one time or other in the past; wanting to change myself and what was wrong with my life, and like many others, looking in the wrong places.

We all face sorrow and deep disappointment at some point in or lives. We may look in many places for relief. But Jesus is the answer for our heartache and despair. Harry Lauder, the great Scottish comedian, receiving word that his son had been killed, said, "In times like this, there are three courses open to man; He may give way to despair and become bitter. He may endeavor to drown his sorrow in drink or in a life of wickedness. Or he may turn to God."

I know what it is like, to have everything and everyone that you have depended on for the foundation of your strength and happiness, taken away cruelly in less than one year's time. My parents, my husband, and consequently, my mother-in-law, all removed from my life. I felt totally abandoned. My children tried to be there for me, but it wasn't their job to support me, but my job to be a support for them. They too had lost and were suffering. I was floundering around in a vast sea of desolation and pain; unable to swim and drowning. My immediate response was despair and bitterness.


Thank you, Holy Spirit, for drawing me and speaking to me. Thank you, Lord that you didn't give up on me and abandoned me like others have.

God is so good and merciful, loving and compassionate. He sees us in our turmoil and feels our pain. Like the loving Father He is, He doesn't listen to the venomous words we spew out in anger, but He looks at our brokenness. And though we are to blame for the places we find ourselves, He tenderly takes our hand and says,

"Don't be afraid. I am here with you. Your trust and dependency has been misplaced. Just trust me and lean on me. I will never abandon you. I will walk with you, and wrap you in my mighty arms of comfort and protection.I will bind up your brokenness and heal you. I see your tears, and each one is a prayer from your heart that I have heard and recorded. I am a jealous God; I will not share the place of honor, devotion, and love in your heart. Look to me, depend on me, honor and love me first. I will take care of everything else. I am your strength, your refuge, your comfort, your counselor, your Father, and your husband. Run into my arms!"

How can anyone not love a Savior like this? How could I turn anywhere else? Where else could I find the transformation I wanted, and the help and hope I needed?

Yes, people may look at me and think I look basically the same; but I have had a makeover. I am no longer the same person I was. My heart is different. My life is different. My focus is different. I pray He will continue to change my heart, teach me, guide me, and lead me on the path to the destiny He has for me.

Thank you, Lord, for the work you are doing in my life, my heart, and in the hearts of those I pray for. Continue to change me and teach me and fill me with your love until I am transformed into someone like You.

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